Please Note:
* I am accepting new clients both online and in my office.
* I only see clients who are 20 years and older.

Transforming suffering and confusion into well-being and meaning.

Psychological or physical difficulties can cause unbearable emotional, mental and behavioral distress in our lives. In such circumstances it is normal to feel "stuck," hopeless, and alone. Additionally, those around us are frequently impacted by our condition, yet are unable to help, and may even be impatient or angry that we aren’t “pulling ourselves together.”

The assistance of a caring, trained professional can be invaluable in providing you with the resources and solutions you need to gain a healthy, fulfilling life. However, it is a difficult process to finally make the decision to go to therapy, and normal to want to find the best therapist possible who you can trust and connect with. I understand this especially, as I have gone to therapy for many years and asked the same questions that are probably on your mind. On this site, you will learn what I do, and more about me. However, perhaps it will help to know that every day, with every client, I strive to be the dedicated therapist I would want to go to. I also train my students in Drexel’s counseling degree program to be that type of therapist.

I am committed to working with you, using a wide range of rich therapeutic approaches individualized to resolve your problems. Well-known for my straightforwardness and results-focused approach, I consider your time valuable, and avoid dwelling on nonessentials and aimless talking, focusing instead on developing actions and solutions you can apply immediately. I would mention that, unlike some professionals, I will never pressure you to accept my interpretations or methods.


Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Social Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex Trauma, other traumas

Insomnia and other sleep problems

Grief and Loss

Pain and/or Chronic Illness Management

Life Transitions, spirituality, life purpose

Problems in Ethical non-monogamy, Polycule, Polyamory (esp. clarifying agreements, compersion issues)

Everything is a solution! Take the first step and reach out today.

To discuss your problem with me and arrange an initial appointment please contact me via phone at 215-527-2904, or use the Contact page. All communications will be treated as confidential, and your privacy is my highest priority.